Tips For Caring For Your Skin, Hair & Nails During Self-Isolation

Tips For Caring For Your Skin, Hair & Nails During Self-Isolation

What a strange time we’re living in at the moment. Who would ever have thought two months ago that we would not only be advised to stay home, relax and care for our health and wellbeing, but also for it to be insisted upon? Well, with quarantining, social-distancing and social-isolation now a thing for 2020, here we all are with a LOT of time on our hands. Here’s what you should be doing to maintain and even improve your hair, skin, nails and overall wellbeing during hibernation –

Eat Foods That Promote Healthy Hair, Skin And Nails

A healthy gut contributes to a robust immune system, heart health, brain health, improved mood, healthy sleep, and effective digestion. Eating the right things will help us to stay in tip-top condition as we bunker down for the next few months. Here are some essential foods to promote healthy hair, skin and nails.

  • Salmon – loaded with Vitamin D and Omega 3 fatty acids to promote hair growth and scalp health.
  • Sweet potato – contains beta-carotene which not only acts as a natural sunblock but also warms up the skin tone to give you a healthy-looking glow. Your 2020 selfies need never show that you’ve been trapped inside for weeks on end!
  • Nuts – get a healthy start to each day by adding nuts to your breakfast. Rich in omega fatty acids, vitamins, antioxidants and minerals, which are all beneficial! When consumed in moderation, a variety of nuts will support the healthy growth of hair, skin and nails.
  • Eggs – contain biotin, a B vitamin. A healthy daily dose of Biotin will make brittle nails and hair loss a thing of the past.
  • Berries – are packed full of valuable antioxidants, vitamins and minerals! Eating berries can help repair damaged hair, skin and nails.
  • Dark chocolate – Yessss, there is a god!!! Eating dark chocolate, 75% or higher cacao helps to keep skin hydrated and protects it from sun damage (in case you spend too much time sitting outside).

Reverse The Inflammation

It is well known that chronic inflammation is the cause of most diseases on the planet. If before COVID-19 you had fallen into bad habits of drinking too much coffee or alcohol and consuming too much sugar, now is an excellent time to look at reducing your intake for your immune system’s sake! We have also read that drinking a warm drink every hour can potentially assist in keeping your respiratory tract clear of viruses. If you drink nut milk, check the back for sneaky added sugar. Instead of coffee, try a swap to sipping green tea. It may or may not help to keep you virus-free, but over time it will undoubtedly help to reduce inflammation and support your immune system. Drinking tea is also very comforting, something we need lots of right now.

Indulge In A Scalp Massage

Give yourself a slow, relaxing scalp massage. A regular scalp massage will stimulate blood flow and circulate essential nutrients to the hair follicles, which in turn encourages eventual hair growth. Even better, ask a hibernation partner to swap a scalp massage. You’ll both come away feeling completely relaxed and rejuvenated!

Sign Up For An Online At-Home Workout Programme

There are lots of free, live home workout programmes on offer at the moment and its super important to stay fit and healthy. Regular moderate activity is all you need to give your immune system a huge boost and increase your resistance to colds and flu.

Exercise also encourages your body to release endorphins (those feel good hormones) which help to reduce stress and relieve anxiety. Online yogacircuit training, pilates, strength training and dancing are all activities you can do at home with a little imagination and adaptation.

There has never been a better opportunity to get yourself into the best shape of your life, both inside and out. What are you waiting for??

Love, Medusa xx