Tis the season to be merry, and what better way to kick off your Christmas day than by greeting the rellies with a cute hair bow! Not only will it give you something to talk about with cousins that you only see once a year, you will match the presents under the Christmas tree! Wear it half up or half down, it’s the perfect accessory for this festive season.
Half up
Step 1: Take a small section of hair from each side of your head. The bigger the section, the bigger the bow.
Step 2: Tie the two sections together in the middle of the back of your head in a ponytail.
Step 3:
Option (a)
Pull the ponytail through the elastic again as though you were making a loose bun, not pulling it all the way through, and leaving a bit of a ‘tail’ of hair behind. Fluff the ‘bun’ up and separate into two parts.
Option (b)
Pull the ponytail through the elastic a bit less than halfway. Flip the remaining tail to the other side and pull through again, the same amount, and so there is a bit of ‘tail’ left over.
Step 4: Wrap the remaining ‘tail’ of hair in the middle and secure with bobby pins. From underneath pin both sides of the ‘bow’ in place. Curl the rest of the hair into thick bouncy ringlets and dab on some red lipstick for Christmas cheer!
Bow on top of head
Start with a pony tail as high as possible on top of your head (it will look cuter this way, trust us!). Go straight to steps 3 & 4 as above. Smooth flyaways with a little hairspray, sleek and elegant is best for this gifted look.
Take some inspiration from these simple holiday styles from www.designerzcentral.com
1. A Beautiful Bow
2. Party Perfect Hair
3. Sexy Side Swept Braid

4. Glam Half Up Bouffant

5. Sexy Side Bun

6. Crisscross Top Knot

7. Mermaid Waves

8. The Sexy Spike

9. A Textured Twist

10. Milkmaid Braids

11. A Sleek Ponytail

12. A Flirty Fishtail Braid

Images- www.designerzcentral.com