Back To The 1980’S
Last week we took a trip back to everyone’s favourite decade, the ’80s, to remind ourselves what was happening on the hair front back then.
Amongst all the perms, fluoro and quiffs, we discovered crimped hair. Not going to lie, a little squeal of excitement may have escaped!
So, after trawling through the photo archives and oohing and ahhing over outfits, we also discovered that permed and crimped hair is back as a full-on trend for 2021. Ummm, who else is feeling the vibe?
In The Year 2021
The bigger the better for this look. For a contemporary twist, use a full set of Medusa Original Clip Ins to give you loads of volume to work with. You can then crimp sections and pull your hair up into crazy half crimped updo’s or give a bunch of other styles a brand new rippled twist. The only limit is your imagination,