Easy Hair Hacks For Back To School And Work

Easy Hair Hacks For Back To School And Work

Bad hair days, everybody has them.

It’s really frustrating when, despite your best efforts, your hair refuses to cooperate, and won’t look the way you want it to no matter which way you dry it or fluff it, or how much product you use.

However, there are little things you can do to save time when you need to quickly get ready for work, school or Uni.

Here are a few tips and tricks that I promise will help you have a great hair day, seven days a week.

Regular Trims

  • No matter how you style it, if your hair hasn’t had a regular trim, and isn’t completely healthy, it won’t look great. Keep up your haircuts as needed, along with a perfect shampoo and conditioner designed for your hair type, and treat your hair with the care and respect it deserves. 

Blow Dry

  • If you can afford to get it professionally done, get a blow dry from your salon. Your hair will look fantastic, and you can keep it looking that way for days if you treat it gently and utilize dry shampoo, giving little touch-ups here and there as needed.  

Create A Styling Kit

  • If you have a travel-sized stash of products handy on you at all times including bobby pins, hair elastics, mousse, smoothing serum, and dry shampoo, you’ll be able to make minimal adjustments on an as-needed basis. Your hair will look awesome no matter where you are any time of day.  

Style To Go

  • Style your extensions in your downtime. That way when it’s time to put them in they’re all ready and good to go!