Grow Out Hair Colour With Balayage
https://gem-3910432.netIf you’re anything like me, and you’ve spent years playing around with different hair colours. Every now and then you’ll get to the point where enough is enough! Meaning, it’s time to go au naturale for the sake of your hair health, just for a bit, until you become restless enough to switch things up again!
Letting your hair grow out in its natural shade is super beneficial in a couple of ways. It will save you money on visits to your colourist. A break will also do wonders for its shine and softness by giving your hair a rest from all the chemicals you’ve been piling on which strip it of its natural moisture.
But sometimes, in the process of growing it out, it doesn’t look so good.
Befriend Your Hairdresser
Is there a dramatic difference between your natural hair colour and the colour you’ve been dyeing it with for a while? If so, you’ll get a harsh line of regrowth that won’t look so pretty. Luckily, however, there are a few ways you can eliminate any weird looking colour contrast. All you need is a little planning and know-how.
Firstly, avoid the temptation to slap a block of colour on your hair that’s the same as you think your natural colour is. If the colour is drastically different, chances are it won’t take well, and you’ll end up with a strange, uneven looking band of colour where the original dyed colour ends and your natural hair colour starts. That will look worse than if you’d left it in the first place.
Highlights And Lowlights
Instead, talk to your colourist about introducing highlights or lowlights which strategically placed will help to soften and blend the new colour in with the old nicely.



A good balayage, while you're growing it out, can look incredibly chic and will let everyone know you're purposely embracing an ombre look. You can achieve your dream balayage hair or ombre hair look with our free colour matching and custom-made to order service, available in both clip-in and tape-in styles. This personalised approach helps you effortlessly navigate the unavoidable growing-out stage.
See, the struggle need not be real!